The Point Podcast
For fresh insights on the history and current reach of the HPC in Central Oregon, please listen to this recent interview on KPOV’s The Point. We are grateful to Malcolm McCrae and Robin Popp for taking the time during the holidays to highlight our program.

2025 Help Fill Empty Plates Recipients
The Hunger Prevention Coalition of Central Oregon (HPC) has announced the recipients of their 2025 Help Fill Empty Plates grant.

2024 Annual Meeting
Agency partners, members, and donors are invited to the Annual Meeting on August 21 at the Council on Aging Resource Center in Bend.

Generous Giving Supports HPC
Notable recent grants from the Oregon Community Foundation highlight a generous spirit of giving to the Hunger Prevention Coalition of Central Oregon in the first four months of its fiscal year.

An Open Letter To the Community
Dear Central Oregon Community Member,
Please allow me to introduce myself and the reason for this letter. My name is Robin Popp and I am the current Board Chair of the Hunger Prevention Coalition (HPC). I first became interested, and a member, over 15 years ago when I was introduced to HPC at a meeting of the Homeless Leadership Coalition. HPC attracted me because they were the only organization solely interested in assisting local mealsite/food providers with enhancing the nutritional value of food baskets and meals. As we all know, nutritional food (proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products) are the most expensive items in our grocery purchases. HPC raises funds that are then given to these agencies and must be used to purchase these expensive valuable food items. HPC is currently experiencing an immediate need for additional Board Members. Our current Board consists of 6 people and our by-laws call for between 7 and 15. At this point we are financially stable but people poor!

Loving Central Oregon
About her piece, “Wild Voices,” Shelli Walters wrote, "I love being surrounded by Nature. Spending quiet time in Central Oregon’s wild spaces is a portal to joy and gratitude."
If you are a friend of HPC, please be sure to stop by Tumalo Art Co. in the Old Mill District this month! We are so grateful that a portion of sales from this show will support our mission to increase the nutritional quality of food distributed to the hungry in our community.