Frequently asked questions
why is there a need for more food assistance, when so many people receive food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program [SNAP]?
To be eligible for food stamps [SNAP], people have to have a valid ID, and a mailing address. Many people who are utilizing food shelters, etc. typically may not have an ID or address.
The amount of money people receive on their food stamps is simply not adequate for the amount of money it takes to feed their families. Government funds the SNAP, WIC, Oregon Trail, etc. These programs have been receiving cuts. With the demand increasing, it falls on non-profits to try and meet the need
People seeking food may be homeless, living at shelters, or struggling families.
How can agencies receive funds from the HPC?
Once a year agencies apply for our grants.
We require reports (with receipts) from the agencies to know how our funds were used.
How do the agencies use the funds?
These agencies are using the funds they receive from us to purchase items they may not often obtain through Oregon Food Bank, NeighborImpact, or canned food drives.
They use our money to buy fresh nutritious foods such as: milk, meats, fresh vegetables, fruits and food items that increase the nutritional value of meals being served.
Where can I find food?
Our Partner Agencies offer barrier-free (no questions, no restrictions) meals and food boxes to members of the community. You can access their websites and find their hours here
To locate all food pantries and free meals in you area, use the Oregon Food Bank Food Finder
Who are your current partner agencies?
The organizations and agencies the Hunger Prevention Coalition support serve communities throughout Central Oregon including Deschutes, Jefferson and Crook counties as well as the Warm Springs Reservation.
Our partners include: Bethlehem Inn, Council on Aging, Family Kitchen, The Giving Plate, Holy Trinity Community Outreach, Jericho Road, La Pine Community Kitchen, Nativity Lutheran Food Pantry, Saving Grace, St. Vincent De Paul (Bend, La Pine and Redmond), Warm Springs Presbyterian Church Food Bank.
Over the years more than $911,000 has been distributed through our “Help Fill Empty Plates” program, events, grants, and donations!
How do I serve nutritious meals to my family from the ingredients in this food box?
Start here: in 2009, the OSU Extension service launched FoodHero.org a resource full of low-cost healthy recipes, healthy eating tips, and more in English and Spanish.