Partner agencies
Bethlehem Inn volunteers make sack lunches.
Our partner agencies, selected annually, are chosen based on their ability to prove that they will serve anyone in need and will direct our support to purchase items that increase the nutritional value of the meals or food boxes they distribute.
The Hunger Prevention Coalition of Central Oregon makes distributions from gifts, grants, and the Help Fill Empty Plates Program to our Partner Agencies throughout the year. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 the distribution was $43,643 and in FY 2020 we distributed $72,540! The HPC is grateful to every single donor whose gift helps end hunger in Central Oregon.
We are a community-supported emergency shelter that provides a warm, safe place to sleep, nourishing meals, and case management services for adults and children experiencing homelessness in Central Oregon.
Care and Share volunteers in Sunriver
the giving plate
Our Mission: Feeding the hungry today with compassion & hospitality.
Saving Grace provides comprehensive family violence and sexual assault services in Central Oregon and promotes the value of living life free from violence.
Food is distributed every Thursday from 9 AM to 2 PM. Sisters Food Bank does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion or disability.
St. Vincent de Paul – Crook County is a private non-profit 501(c)3 Social Service agency supported by individual donations and grants. All donations stay in our local community to serve others regardless of religion, race, place of origin, or gender.
st. vincent de paul – la pine
The programs or benefits of our local St. Vincent de Paul in La Pine we are privileged to offer include food bank supplies, food vouchers, utilities assistance, medical prescription vouchers, emergency medical and dental, and more.