A Generous Community

The Hunger Prevention Coalition gratefully announces that community gifts from multiple sources allow us to distribute $17,800 to Central Oregon partner food banks and food kitchens for the fiscal quarter ending September 30, 2020. HPC Partner Agencies are asked to use these funds to increase the nutritional quality of meals and food boxes that are distributed to those in need throughout our Central Oregon community. As the pandemic continues to create economic challenges for so many of our neighbors, we thank those in the community who can for giving back at this time.

The pie chart below shows all sources of this quarter’s income. Generous grants of $5,000 from Les Schwab and $500 from Avion Water supplement the numerous individual donations received this quarter.

Distributions are made to our partner agencies throughout Central Oregon, based on geographic area, financial need, and number of meals/boxes served within a three month period (based on the agencies’ prior grant applications).


Washington Federal Foundation issues Grant


Annual Report of the hunger prevention coalition